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  1. i sailed away to china.

    04 April 2009

    yes, i am behind. waaaaaay behind. it's the 4th month of the year and i've barely made a dent in my list. but i'm not giving up! oh no. i've got to keep on moving...ain't nothin' gonna break my stride. (heh. that was one of my FAVORITE songs when i was little. i remember, in all the glory of the 80's, going to wherever my mom did aerobics and sitting against the wall, reading, while all the women were doing there grapevines and assorted other workout moves to that song. good times.)

    i am still reading, fear not. i've been making my way through cesar's way and, i hate to say, but it's really kind of boring. now, don't get me wrong, i love that feisty dog whisperer as much as the next natgeo watcher. but as i read this book a not-so-little part of me is thinking, 'cesar, stick to tv. it's a much better format for you.' i'm more than halfway through and it's been a lot of his history and a lot of repetition. he keeps saying he'll reference things of interest in future chapters, and i hope so. i'll let you know how it turns out.

    i'm also reading the first days of school here and there. flipping to a chapter or section that i might find applicable at the time. the layout of the book is a bit odd. i remember first looking at and thinking, 'these pages look like a menu.' there is some logic to the pictures and unnecessarily large bullet points. more importantly, i've enjoyed the content so far. more on that book when i'm finished.

    this month finds me in the throes of moving preparations. (sigh) sorting for yard sales, trash and packing up my things has been occupying my nights and weekends. i admit i've been too pooped to read by the time the day ends. i should really hire someone to read to me while i pack and such. would that still count? i think so. i could pack, the dog could continue to climb all over me & my things and a lovely little story could be following us around. sounds perfect! i've also recently started following neil gaiman on twitter. such the distraction as he tweets regularly throughout his day and almost all make me smile. and, i won't lie, make me blush. he can add me to his lengthy list of adoring fans who have a crush on him. i suppose he can't help it what with being such an amazing storyteller and having that lovely, slightly growly accent to boot. cheers to mrs. gaiman!

    as far as book news (and moving on to my next crush), i have learned the mannings are publishing a children's picture book this fall. as peyton has made his way into my heart with those witty mastercard commercials, i will probably buy the darn thing and keep my fingers crossed he come to austin to sign. they're teaming up with scholastic book clubs' classrooms care program as the first ambassadors of reading. oh peyton, as if i didn't already find you so endearing, now you have to go and foster a love of reading for children and make a huge book donation!

    hope everyone is doing well...i'm going to try to start blogging more. i make no guarantee it will be interesting or entertaining, but i so enjoy the process!

    happy weekend to you all.

    ps: first person to comment with the correct tori amos reference made in this blog wins something. i don't know what yet. i did receive several copies of a story sample from sourcebooks, inc. yesterday. according to the fact sheet that came with the copies, these books are the #1 book series in the uk. !! maybe i'll send one of those, maybe i won't. we'll see if anyone answers...

  2. 2 comments:

    1. One Big Dog! said...

      hmmm...well, I don't know much about Tori so I'm gonna guess the part about "yard sales"....Ms. Amos takes me as the type of gal that likes to get up at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday morning to pay people in quarters for crap they no longer want.

      Did I win?! :)

      oh, and I missed last months poll, BUT I do in fact have a library card and I have used it exactly one time. Yea me! :)

      Keep on reading Little Dog, but maybe pur Ceasar and his doggie mind tricks aside...for now...

    2. Anonymous said...

      I read your blog as often as possible! Hehehe! As for the Tori thing, I'm going to have to take a guess and say "the dent." I believe there once was a website (or still is) that is or something to that effect. I don't even remember what the prize is that you're offering! I thought it was just fun to try to guess! ---- Tiffany L.

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